Mother's Union News
Sue Burden
JUN. 1, 2022
Our annual outing is on Tue 21 JUN
The next meeting of Kinnerley Mother's Union is our annual outing.
This year we have been invited to Yockleton Mothers Union for a short service
Followed by afternoon tea.. The date is ....Tue 21st June.
Meet at Kinnerley Parish Hall at 1.45 pm to arrange cars.
In May we went to St Oswalds, Oswestry, for a Jubilee celebration.
Celebrating the 70 years that her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 2nd has been the patron of Mothers Union. We had a service in the Church, then an excellent tea in the parish room.
We enjoyed meeting other M.U. members. An excellent afternoon.
In July we meet in Kinnerley Church at 2 pm on Thur July 7th.
The speaker will be Karen Littleford. Her subject is "Safe guarding
children and adults "
Sue Burden