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Mother's Union

Sue Burden

JUL. 1, 2022

Our next two meetings

The next meeting of Kinnerley Mothers Union is on Thursday July 7th

at 2pm in St.Mary's Church, Kinnerley.

Karen Littleford will be speaking to us, her subject is  "Safeguarding Adults "

"World abuse awareness day " was on  June 15th and there is a "National Safeguarding Adults" week in November.

There is no meeting in August  and the September meeting is September 1st.

at 2pm in St Mary's Church, Kinnerley.

The speaker will  be Helen Palfrey, the Diocesan President. We are hoping

Other M.U. members will also come to hear Helen talk about "Transformation Now"

It should  be very interesting to hear how we are going to  move forward over the next few years.

Sue Burden

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